Accessibility policy accessibility policy

The definition of Web accessibility by Tim Berners-Lee, the director of W3C and inventor of the World Wide Web, is as follows:

"To make the Web and its services available to all individuals, regardless of their hardware or software, their network infrastructure, their mother tongue, their culture, their geographical location or their physical or mental aptitudes.

Relative font sizes

The site uses relative font sizes to enable you to adapt the size of the characters displayed using your browser's controls.
You can adjust the font size to suit you, but beyond a certain size, certain elements may overlap and make reading difficult.

Relative content and sizing

This website aims to be as accessible as possible, but it is not perfect.

Compliance with standards: this site complies with the standards of the W3C in terms of web page development. Only the main pages (home, contacts, site map, search engine, etc. and a few content pages) were tested.

The sizes of the blocks making up the page (menus, content, etc.) are expressed in relative units, so their dimensions adapt to the content.

Character sizes are defined using proportional units, meaning that you can change the size of the characters as you wish using your browser's functions:

  • in most browsers : Ctrl + "mouse wheel" works correctly,
  • Internet Explorer: "View" menu -> "Text size" and choose the size that suits you,
  • Mozilla, Firefox or Netscape: do Ctrl + + to enlarge the text and Ctrl + - to reduce it,
  • Opera: press the + or - from the numeric keypad, go to the "View" -> "Zoom" menu and choose the zoom level that suits you best.

The use of these keyboard shortcuts depends on your browser and operating system:

For Windows :

  • Goocle Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Netscape : Alt + Shiftthen "Keyboard shortcut
  • Internet Explorer : Alt + "Keyboard shortcut", then Input
  • Opera : Esc (exhaust) + (exhaust) Shift (upper case), then "Keyboard shortcut".

For Macintosh :

  • Mozilla, Netscape : Ctrl + "Keyboard shortcut
  • Internet Explorer, Safari : Ctrl + "Keyboard shortcut", then Input
  • Opera : Esc (exhaust) + (exhaust) Shift (upper case), then "Keyboard shortcut

For Linux :

  • Mozilla Firefox : Alt + "Keyboard shortcut
  • Konqueror (3.3 or higher) : Ctrlthen "Keyboard shortcut
  • Opera 7 : Esc (exhaust) + (exhaust) Shift (upper case), then "Keyboard shortcut".
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